Wines of Andalucia
Andalusian wines


The cultivation of vines in Andalusia goes back over many centuries and the region is renowned for the production of prestigious wines which are known the world over.

Thanks to the growth in maritime trade, the 16th and 17th centuries were a period of particular growth.

There are also 12 wines with geographic designation (Vinos de la Tierra) and  (4 DO) and a whole range of historic wines with no specific denomination which are none the less extremely popular such as the Tintilla from Rota, the Pajarete, the Moscatel from Chipiona, or the Mosto from the Aljarafe...

A whole Wine Culture has grown up around all these different varieties with numerous bodegas, specialised museums, and traditional fiestas..

It is remarkable how, keeping a proper style, andalusian wines have got such diversity.

Let’s mention here the characteristic finos and manzanillas, the amontillados, olorosos and the sweet Pedro Ximenez and Malaga’s Moscatel, the palo cortado…

All of them enjoy a great international prestige due to their exceptional quality.

But, even if they are the most famous Spanish wines, they are the most genuinely Spanish, too, since the do not follow any foreign model (such as our prestigious cavas or red wines).

Do Andalucia

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Dop.Málaga -Sierras de Málaga

Dop.Condado de Huelva

Dop.Montilla - Moriles

Dop.Jerez-Xérès-Sherry - Manzanilla -Sanlúcar de Barrameda